NCAA Football 11
07/19/2010I got some good news and some bad news.
The bad news first...
This Thursday my beloved PS3 contracted the infamous YLOD (Yellow Light of Death). And of course with my horrible luck this happened before I could finish the last few teams and upload the rosters.
So for at least the time being I will not have my rosters for NCAA Football 11.
The good news is everybody can still play NCAA Football 11 with all of the real players names. Just head on over to operationsports.com and use one of the rosters that the community has provided. Once I get my PS3 fixed I will upload my roster to my PSN: "kingrosters". But for the time being I would suggest using one of the rosters over at operationsports they 100% free as well.
Sorry everybody, and thank you all for your patience.
Madden 10 PS2 & PS3 Updates
10/06/2009I've been extremely busy as of late and finally got some time this weekend to release a PS2 and PS3 set of Madden 10 Roster updates. I'm very sorry for the major delay, I was planning on releasing my first update around opening day...but that never happened. The Madden 10 PS2 roster is the base EA roster release from week 3 updated to 9/23/09 it is available for download here. The Madden 10 PS3 roster is based on the latest EA roster release, however minor player, depth chart, and other related team management edits have been applied updated to 10/6/09. That roster is available for download here. Again thank you all for your patience. Expect more roster updates in the near future.
Madden 10 and Other Related News
08/13/2009As I'm sure you all know by now Madden 10 comes out (at the time of this posting tomorrow) the 14th of August. From what I have heard it sounds like it will be one of the better maddens in quite a few years, which I am very much looking forward to.
Now to get down to business my plan as it stands right now is to wait until EA releases an official roster update. Then begin my updates building off of that roster rather than starting from scratch. This means the ETA of my first roster release is hazy for it will all depend on when EA releases an update.
On another note unless by some miracle EA makes a patch allowing the transfer of NCAA Football 10 files onto USB I will not be able to create draft classes for download for use on Madden 10 this year. Which is very disappointing in my opinion because the only way for all of you to get draft classes at this point would be to make them yourself through NCAA Football 10 sadly. Hopefully EA thinks of something.
More updates coming soon
NCAA Football 10 PS3 Rosters!
07/19/2009The time has come! All 120 FBS teams are named, slight changes have been made to height, weight, ethnicity, etc. However the major focus was the names in this version. Expect more attribute changes in future updates.
Considering for whatever reason EA has disallowed the transferring of save files from your PS3 to USB flash drives on NCAA Football 10. The only way to get the roster at the moment is via EA Locker. Hopefully this will change soon.
Search for PSN: kingrosters in EA Locker to download the rosters.
Now go ahead and start that dynasty!
Site Overhaul!
07/16/2009As you might of noticed kingrosters.com has experienced a recent makeover. Every page has been reformatted. Future updates will continue to pour in so stay tuned. You can now apply to this feed by using your favorite rss reader or you can also get updates via email. I will post whenever I make a new roster update, or a new site upgrade, as well as any recent news I feel fit. Enjoy the new site layout, and post comments, questions, or bugs you might notice on the forums or email me if its something critical.
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